Can You Pass the Hand Sanitizer, Please?: Anxiety and Swine Flu
In that past few weeks, swine flu has become a national concern.Yesterday, Mexico’s president told citizens to stay home as the World Health Organization raised its alert level, indicating the impending onset of a swine flu pandemic.A large majority of American citizens are fearful that swine flu will spread and cause a similar nationwide health disaster.
A recent Associated Press article indicates that in New York, people are reacting to the virus in various ways.There are some that have become obsessive over germ control while others have been keeping it cool.One woman, who lives a few miles from the University of Delaware where 10 cases of swine flu were reported, revealed: “Yes, my life has changed.I am stocking up on food supplies. I just purchased more fever medicine. I remind my kids every morning to wash their hands at school. This morning, we spoke about trying not to touch our faces.”Conversely, a woman that lives in Washington expressed: “For now, the plan is to sit tight and watch especially since swine flu has not been detected in the state of Washington.”Most Americans are taking the less extreme route and are waiting for more information to be released about the flu.In many ways, it is evident that the proximity and “closeness to home” of the outbreak clearly influences peoples’ attitudes.
In many ways, the attitudes exhibited by most Americans reveals the effects of group conformity.The majority of Americans are staying calm and waiting for more information to emerge.In many ways, it is more socially acceptable to exhibit the attitudes of the majority, and this case is no exception.The reality and proximity of the flu combined with mainstream attitudes have significantly influenced the group norm.
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